
Cultivate your community with heart. Optimize your operation with data.


Screenshot of the Reporting feature on an iPad
With the right data for decisions, you can be what Sade called a “Smooth Operator.”

There is no shortage of data to be had about your coworking and flex workspace. The trick is how to access it and then transform it into actionable insights that help you run your business.

Coworks software includes reporting tools to help you tap into the data understand the health and performance of your operation across locations.

Use Occupancy to measure your space performance

One important metric is occupancy. And rather than force you to run complex calculations of occupied versus unoccupied space, Coworks coworking space software makes it simple


Unlock your business intelligence when you run reports by:

How to choose the best coworking space management software

You want to give your members the best experience in your coworking space. For that, you need the right software. Selecting the best management software for your coworking space can feel like a Sisyphean task, but it doesn’t have to be.

Coworking space manager smiling and talking with team members