
Check out the best way to check-in members and visitors at your space


Check out the best way to check-in members and visitors at your space
Because as the Black Eyed Peas like to say over and over, “Let’s get it started!”

As members of your coworking space arrive, they are ready to work. Or get coffee. Or find the perfect corner desk. Whatever their goals, the check-in process shouldn’t stop them from getting  their day underway.

But as a coworking space operator, you don’t want people coming in without any measurement or management at all. Space usage, traffic times, and occupancy are key metrics for your operation.

Welcome members with a digital concierge

With a simple tablet at your entrance, members can use the Front Desk App to check in. Visitors can alert the members they are there to see (and be seamlessly added to your leads database).  And your managers are free to focus on more meaningful activities than being door greeters and head counters.

Deliver a delightful coworking check-in experience

From a friendly face to seamless software, you have a variety of options for cowork check-in systems.

Help visitors experience your space and find their appointment

Help visitors experience your space and find their appointment

You may have walk-in visitors to your space or your members may invite customers, partners, or friends as guests to see them. Visitors can notify members of their arrival and fill out a visitor log to give you a historical record of people in your space.

With the Coworks Front Desk App, you can:

➡️ Put the check-in app on any Apple or Android tablet

➡️ Pull key check-in data reports to understand high demand times, traffic, and occupancy

➡️ Allow visitors to request a tour right there at your front door

➡️ Customize your Front Desk App with your logo and brand

And more!