
Cowarehousing software with just-in-time flexibility

Nimble, scalable, and easy to use. Just like your cowarehousing operation.

Cowarehousing software with just-in-time flexibility
Cowarehousing helps small business owners

The cowarehousing model taps into the idle capacity of warehouses, splitting space and sharing resources among businesses with similar needs. It's an idea whose time has come, and Coworks software is ready.

The shared economy is all about us realizing that we don't need to own everything. We just need access to it when we need it.

Cowarehousing helps small business owners manage costs and maximize efficiency. Coworks software does the same for cowarehousing operators.

What is cowarehousing?

This system eliminates the need for businesses to own and maintain a full-scale warehouse, which can be expensive and often inefficient — especially for small to medium-sized enterprises.


Shelves and pallets and forklifts, oh my! Cowarehousing as it all.

Track your flexible storage spaces with real time accuracy.  Coworks software lets your cowarehousing operation can:

➡️ Get a real-time picture of your occupancy and usage

➡️ Integrate with access control to give members flexibility under a secure environment

➡️ Offer a convenient, customizable Mobile App for to help with bookings, membership, and settings

➡️ Customize membership models and billing plans

Blue Co. brings cowarehousing into full color

“It’s warehousing, but not unlike coworking, people can get the benefits of shared equipment and shared space and that flexibility — they don’t feel like they're signing their lives away for longer term commitment.”

Shelves and pallets and forklifts, oh my! Cowarehousing as it all.