
You build the community. We help them connect.


Screenshot of the Coworks Member Directory on a phone
Because even The White Stripes said "I can tell that we are gonna be friends."

The Coworks Member App puts everything in their hands

➡️ Real-time room booking with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook integration

➡️ Member directory

➡️ Member management of details for billing and invoicing

➡️ Resources, documents, and guides

➡️ Events feed

➡️ Toggle between campuses

Most people don’t join coworking spaces out of a desire to work completely alone. While your coworking space offers quiet and privacy, it also creates the opportunity for “beneficial collisions” between members. These casual conversations can lead to powerful collaboration and deeper communication. 

The mobile app for coworking happiness

"Let's book a meeting room."

“Are there any accountants here?”

“Where can we park?"

All the needs your members have should be answered in one place: your coworking space app. A mobile member app meets today's consumer where they want to be: on their phone. Make it easy, make it simple, make it a delight to use.

The top coworking app wish list

As coworking spaces attract members, they need to find ways to deliver more and more value. One way to do this is by delivering a mobile app specifically for their members. Here's why a coworking app should be a top priority for your operation.

The mobile app for coworking happiness