
You show them the space. We’ll show you the results.


Screenshot of the tour request feature in the Coworks App
Use Coworks software to schedule tours of your space

Coworks software doesn’t give tours. You do. You’re the expert in your space, you know why your coworking or flex operation is a fantastic community, and you understand how your membership options can work best for each prospect.

But we know you need support. That’s why Coworks software can:

➡️ Capture and organize tour requests right at your front desk

➡️ Let prospects book tours right on your web site

➡️ Collect notes from your tours in the leads database

Show them around and show off your space

Tours are powerful ways to convert prospective members to joining your community.

If you're a coworking space owner, you already know the importance of attracting new clients. But how can you entice them to choose your space over your competitors'?

By offering tour requests from both your website and your front desk with a tablet! These options make it incredibly convenient for potential clients to see your space, while also putting your brand at the forefront of their minds. By having an integrated form on your website, this can give them the chance to take a virtual tour and get a feel for the space, while offering tours in person through a front desk tablet showcases your space's unique features and provides an opportunity for professionals to engage with you in person.

With this kind of approach, growing your coworking space is both helpful and clever: it helps your potential clients get to know your space and it cleverly puts your brand in a prime position to attract more business.