Coworking Software

New coworking software: 6 reasons why you might need it

Given how stressful it can be to move to new coworking space management software, there are so many reasons operators call on Coworks because they are ready to make some changes.

We already talked about some of the emotions that come with starting the journey, but these are great reasons that we have heard folks want to migrate to a new platform.

  1. "We have a new location!"

    Growth is exciting, but includes a fair amount of challenges. Are your spaces linked for your members? Do you have unique systems for each location? What about access control?

  2. "I want to automate billing."

     It's time to stop manually billing and sending invoices. No one likes chasing checks, so maybe it’s time to add some automation.

  3. "I need more than facilities management."

    Is the software you use great for your building or your community? It should be both.

  4. "My managers want more time with members."

    If your managers spend more time on tech than out in your space with your members, software is the solution. Your tech stack shouldn't steal time from the community.

  5. "Room booking is a hassle."

    If having your members book meeting rooms and spaces has become a scheduling nightmare, with calendar invites sent back and forth over email, it's more than time to upgrade your software.

  6. "My members want an app."

    Your members have asked for an easier way to book rooms and find resources in your space — they want a mobile app. The Coworks member app also includes a searchable directory and live events feed!

So how many of these apply to you? 

No matter which, we are ready to show you how Coworks software is specially designed to take your operation to the next level. Let's talk!



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