How to use Coworks Software

How visitors can self check-in to your coworking space

Coworking community managers are often doing a million different things each day. And while being the face of your coworking space and greeting visitors is an important job, it's not always an option when you have so much else to do.

And yet, this is an important moment. When visitors come to check out your coworking space, they are prospective members. And their experience from the moment they open your door to the moment they leave will help them decide of membership at your space if for them.

Perhaps they found your space through events hosted for the public. Perhaps they have a meeting with a member of your coworking space. Or your visitor is there to explore membership. No matter how a visitor finds you, you need to be ready.

Even if you have a dedicated front desk attendant, sometimes automated systems can be a welcome feature. Not everyone wants to have a chat and be social when they explore a coworking space or arrive for a meeting. The ability to self check-in sends the message that your coworking space employs technology that can help streamline activities and create a frictionless experience.

Of course, when you use Coworks coworking software, visitors can check themselves in using our front desk/checkin tablet app. If you aren't currently using it, you can find out how to set it up here.

Once your front desk tablet app is all set, visitors can easily check themselves in by simply clicking on the checkin button and choosing "Visitor."

Coworks coworking software check-in tablet


From there, they have the option to search through your directory of members and choose to notify the person they are visiting of their arrival.

This will send your member a push notification, text message, or email notifying them of their guest's arrival.

The visitor will then fill out a basic information form, which will log them in the backend (more on that below).

visitor checkin form in front desk tablet


Managers can then view all current check-ins in the admin dashboard as well as add/edit/remove check-ins.

Check out your visitor log

Navigate to the Check-ins tab to see a list of all of the most recent check-ins in your space. Click the Visitor tab to see a full log of visitors who have checked into your space

Coworks dashboard admin panel to see check-ins


You can sort the check-ins by clicking on the column headers to sort by that field. Clicking a second time will change the sort direction (from ascending to descending and vice versa)

The default sort position will show you the most recent checkins so that it's easy to see who is in your space today.

You can also filter check-ins by choosing a date range (like yesterday, last month etc.) or by searching for a specific guest in the search box (via name or email).

There is also a link to the visitor check-in report which will give you a .csv of all checkins for a given date range, including the member visitors were there to see (if applicable).

Checking-In Visitors

Of course, as we mentioned you may have a front desk attendant or your community manager sits near the door. You can help check-in visitors simply with the same interface in Coworks.

  1. Click "New Checkin" to start checking in a visitor.
Coworks visitor check in with front desk tablet


Start by filling out your guest's contact information (name and email). You can optionally check "Are you visiting a member" which will allow you to search your members and send them a message notifying them of their visitor.

Cowork coworking software notifications for visitors

This will send the member an email, push notification or text message.

Viewing/Editing Check-ins

In the check-in log, click edit on the checkin you want to edit.

Here, you can edit check in/out times or delete the checkin. You can also view who created the checkin and when.

Coworks check in software for coworking spaces


View your check-ins report

Check-in data is helpful information for your coworking space. It can help inform how effective your outreach methods are. It can help you understand which public events draw the largest prospective members. And the report can help you identify members who are inviting the most visitors, possibly acting as ambassadors for your coworking space.

Download the visitor check-ins report directly from the check-ins tab or by going to the Reports tab.


Coworks check in reports from admin dashboard


Visitors may also want to get a Day Pass to use your space and experience what coworking is like. You can learn more about how Day Passes work in Coworks software.

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