
5 reasons University Entrepreneurship Centers use Coworks space management software

University entrepreneurship centers, or e-centers, play a vital role in nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit among students. However, managing these dynamic environments can be challenging without the right tools. That's where Coworks space management software comes in – a standout solution designed specifically for e-centers.

Coworks space management software emerges as a standout solution, as underscored in a recent webinar hosted by the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC), where directors shared insights into their preferred tech tools. Of all the tools they recommended, these were the common themes:

1. Simplicity and accessibility

One of the key advantages of Coworks is its user-friendly approach. Unlike traditional software that requires complex installations, Coworks is entirely web-based, allowing users to access its features from anywhere. Additionally, the software offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling students and staff to interact with the space seamlessly. Coworks also supports tablet interfaces, streamlining processes like student check-ins and meeting room bookings.

2. Comprehensive training and support

Adopting new software can be daunting, but Coworks understands the importance of proper training. The company offers comprehensive training programs to ensure that every user, from staff to students, can fully leverage the software's capabilities. 

Moreover, Coworks provides ongoing support, which is particularly valuable in environments with frequent staff turnover. E-centers can even host their own training content within the platform, ensuring easy access to knowledge resources.

3. Data-driven insights

In today's data-driven world, e-centers need to track and analyze the usage and impact of their resources. Coworks offers robust reporting features that provide valuable insights into student engagement and resource utilization. This data is crucial for demonstrating the e-center's impact across various academic disciplines and aids in strategic decision-making to enhance student experiences and outcomes.

4. Seamless integration

Integration with other software tools is essential for a cohesive management experience.

Coworks integrates directly with a number of powerful apps to help streamline the operation or your e-center, including access control, accounting, printing, and wifi.

But Coworks also leverages Zapier to facilitate seamless integration with an even wider range of applications, from project management tools like Asana and Airtable to marketing platforms like Salesforce and Pipedrive. This connectivity enables automated workflows, reducing manual tasks and promoting operational efficiency.

5. Proven expertise from an e-center graduate

Coworks is not just another software solution; it's backed by real-world experience and expertise. The company's founder and CEO DeShawn Brown experienced the benefits of an entrepreneurship center first-hand, leading to the development of a solution tailored to the unique needs of these centers.

What coworking can teach university entrepreneurship centers

And at the 2023 Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers conference, Coworks CEO and Founder DeShawn Brown delivered a presentation on how coworking space principles can optimize the operation and growth of university entrepreneurship centers. 



Coworks has successfully implemented its software in various institutions, significantly contributing to streamlining operations and enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

By choosing Coworks, e-centers invest in a technologically advanced solution designed with their specific needs in mind. Its ease of use, comprehensive support, powerful integrations, and data-driven insights make Coworks an ideal choice for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among students.

To experience the full potential of Coworks in transforming your entrepreneurship center, contact us for a custom demonstration. Discover how this space management software can help streamline operations and amplify the impact of your entrepreneurial programs, propelling your center and its students to new heights of success and innovation.

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