Coworking Software

Meeting room booking software features you need yesterday

When booking a meeting room goes well, it’s one of the most innocuous processes imaginable. When it goes badly, however, it’s a disaster.

Calendars don’t get synced.

Rooms are double booked.

People who reserved space don’t show up.

Someone else takes a room they didn’t book first.

People needed a resource that was in a different room (a whiteboard, a speaker phone, a projector).

It’s the little things that add up to a big issue in coworking: meeting room booking.

Managing room bookings efficiently while also providing an excellent member experience can be a challenge without the right tools. That's where automated meeting room booking software like Coworks comes in. 

With Coworks, you can grow your coworking business by streamlining room reservations, engaging with members, and leveraging data insights — all through easy-to-use technology.

Set it and forget it…. and let it function without you

A good meeting room booking system takes the work out of managing your meeting space. Coworks enables members to instantly book rooms right from their mobile phones with the member app. Tablet kiosks placed around your venue also allow for on-demand, on-the-fly booking when members need to reserve a room spur-of-the-moment. 

The software automatically updates availability in real-time, so double bookings become a thing of the past. Members can easily see if a room is free or occupied for any given time slot. As the operator, you save time not having to manually juggle reservations or respond to booking inquiries. Plus, Coworks integrates with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar, so your bookings are synced across platforms.

Coworks also provides check-in functionality to track actual room utilization. Members can check-in upon arrival via the app, while your staff can check members in and out at the front desk. Automatic release of no show bookings frees up unused rooms instead of letting them sit vacant.

All of this automation means less admin hassle for you and your team, and more time focused on members.

Less busywork. More connections.

An automated booking system like Coworks doesn't just reduce administrative work,  it also creates opportunities to engage with your members.

The member app puts self-service room reservations right in members' pockets for anytime, anywhere booking. This convenience helps drive member loyalty so they keep using your space instead of going elsewhere.

Tablet kiosks located throughout your venue enable guests and other non-members to easily reserve meeting rooms on the fly. This facilitates walk-in traffic and conversion of new members.

Coworks also gives you insight into who is using your meeting rooms and how often, allowing personalized engagement. Between the automated features and integration capabilities, Coworks gives you a complete view of your members so you can deliver the best experience.

Good, bad, and just plain weird meeting room rental stories

Several members of The Lab, a vibrant community of operators and managers led by Cat Johnson, who also runs Coworking Convos, shared their unique experiences of renting out meeting spaces.



Let data shape your decisions about meeting rooms

In addition to automating bookings and engaging members, Coworks provides robust reporting and analytics. With data-driven insights, you can optimize room usage and manage your coworking space more strategically.

Coworks' dashboards and custom reports allow you to see metrics like:

- Room utilization rates let you see overall demand plus usage of specific rooms

- Booking frequency helps you identify your most/least booked rooms

- Member activity means you can t rack who is booking rooms and how often

- Peak booking times helps you discover high traffic periods to manage capacity

By leveraging this data, you can identify opportunities such as adjusting room rates/setup based on demand, planning maintenance when rooms are underutilized, cross-selling members who book frequently, and staffing appropriately around peak booking times.

The reporting provides a birds-eye view of your space utilization so you can make informed, numbers-based decisions.

A complete solution for coworking (just about)

As a busy coworking operator, you need software that automates the busywork, engages your members, and provides data-driven insights. Coworks does all this through:

  • Easy self-serve member booking via web/mobile app
  • On-demand tablet kiosks for walk-in bookings 
  • Real-time availability updating
  • Member check-in capabilities
  • Membership management integration 
  • Custom analytics and reports

Coworks provides a complete room booking solution that requires minimal effort while delivering maximum value. The automation and integration save you time so you can focus on growing your community. The experience management and data analytics help you optimize operations and identify opportunities. 

Maximize meeting room rentals

Meeting room and conference room rentals are an important part of your revenue stream, as well a funnel for prospective members. This quick guide includes ways to optimize rentals and provide amazing experiences.



By implementing meeting room booking software like Coworks, you leverage technology to work smarter. Instead of getting bogged down in meeting room logistics, you create an exceptional coworking experience that keeps members engaged while also using insights to strategically manage your venue. Book the most out of your space and delight your members with Coworks.

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