Coworking Influencer

How StellaPop brings creative solutions to coworking

Angie O’Grady is a Partner and COO of StellaPop Consulting. She has been working in the flexible workspace industry since 1986. Over the years, she's watched the industry evolve from hidden-away executive suites to the thriving, community-oriented coworking spaces of today. Throughout these changes, a constant has remained — the need for outstanding service. As O'Grady shared, "It's always been a very service-driven model."

Service with creativity and heart

Angie OGradyStellaPop brings a unique blend of strategic business consulting and creative solutions to small, midsize and large companies across sectors. For coworking space owners and operators specifically, StellaPop stands out for its deep understanding of the industry paired with innovative thinking. 

As O'Grady explained, having worked with clients across industries from pharma to real estate, StellaPop can "see what is creating traction in different verticals, applying to another sector that might not have tried those tactics." This cross-pollination sparks new ideas tailored to each client's specific needs and goals.

At StellaPop's core is a collaborative, passionate team driven by results. The company tagline says it all: "Left Brain Management. Right Brain Creative." They don't simply offer services, they focus on outcomes by building strong relationships. 

(And as you can tell by the Squid Game-inspired team picture that was featured in The Washingtonian, they do not take themselves too seriously.)

O'Grady emphasized the consultative approach, noting, "with StellaPop, you're getting all kinds of disciplines. It's not just graphic designers, not just a social media person, not even just the CFO or a CMO, but all of those pieces of the puzzle that can really help you drive your business to that next level."

Coworking expertise rooted in experience 

As noted, O'Grady brings decades of first-hand experience in the coworking and flexible office industry. She shared, "I started in executive suites back in 1986. I’ve watched the industry change thanks to technology. I can remember when we installed voicemail and had clients who nearly mutinied on us!"

From the early days of trying to hide shared office space to the member-centric model today, O'Grady has an insider's view few can match. She noted the pendulum swing of remote work during the pandemic, observing that "people are getting tired of working at home." Her experience leaves her confident coworking spaces will continue to thrive by offering community and flexibility.

O'Grady also referenced her time leading a successful coworking company,CarrWorkplaces. As she put it, "before we knew it, we were building a coworking company. I hired some really great people, many of whom are still there. I thought we built a great culture as well as a company." This real-world success allows O'Grady to relate to and guide other operators.

Solutions tailored to each client

For coworking space owners and operators, StellaPop Consulting provides customized solutions based on each client's specific needs. As O'Grady highlighted, "We bring the whole team to the table with expertise, and there's a lot of value in that."

Some examples of how StellaPop serves this market:

Content Marketing and Social Media

For single and small operators, StellaPop focuses on digital presence and content marketing to help drive new member acquisition. As O'Grady said, "It's hard at times because clients will wonder why they should spend money on content marketing. You have to explain that when somebody goes to look for you, and they see oh, wow, look at that blog! Or look at this social media post! It says a lot — and when it's not there, it's not there. Someone else will show up."

Fractional Chief Operating Officer

For more established spaces seeking to improve operations, O'Grady herself can serve as a fractional COO. As she described, "A number of years ago, a CEO, who was the nicest man on the planet, had to fire someone. He made the phone call, and she started to cry. Before it was done, he'd hired her back...Sometimes you need somebody to be the heavy and maybe be that bad guy. You need to hold people accountable or make some changes and then you as the CEO can still be the hero."

Recruiting Expertise  

With an extensive network and deep understanding of talent needs, StellaPop recruits for all roles from community managers to sales. As O'Grady emphasized, "I think customer service is the number one skill set, without a doubt. In some ways, it always has been."

What is the StellaPop difference?

At its core, StellaPop Consulting delivers solutions with agility, expertise, passion and care. O'Grady and her team intimately understand coworking not just as a concept but as a community. This spirit shines through in their collaborative approach focused on each client's ultimate success.

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