Coworking Business Tips

Best coworking apps for your community

With more digital nomads, freelancers, and small business owners ditching the traditional office in favor of flexibility and collaboration. As a workspace operator, you know that a thriving coworking community is about more than just desks and wifi. It's about creating meaningful connections and enabling members to do their best work.

The good news is that technology can help you build an engaged, productive coworking community. With the right apps, you can facilitate networking, streamline operations, and create a seamless member experience. Here are some of the best coworking apps to consider for your space.

Make life easy for members and managers with Coworks

Managing a coworking space comes with a broad range of operational responsibilities from member management to billing and invoicing. Coworks provides an all-in-one platform to help you run your workspace smoothly and efficiently.

The software includes tools for visitor management, so you can seamlessly welcome guests and control access. Member management features make it simple to handle new sign-ups, cancellations, and renewals. You can keep track of memberships, storage, mailboxes and more. Coworks also automates billing, invoicing, and payment processing through integration with payment gateways. 

With a customizable branded apps, you can enable members to manage their own accounts. This takes work off your plate while providing top-notch service. Automated notifications and reminders also ensure your community stays informed. Coworks enables you to operate a functional, efficient workspace so you can focus on growing your business.

Offer perks with LOCALYST

Providing an excellent member experience means offering perks that add value. LOCALYST makes it simple to connect your members with discounts at restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, hotels, and more. Think of it like a customizable rewards program for your workspace. 

As a workspace operator, you can partner with vendors in your area to set up exclusive deals for your members. LOCALYST has existing partnerships with major brands too. You can tailor perks to your members' interests, so the benefits are enticing. Perks give your members a sense of community and make them feel special.

With localized deals, members also get exposure to new neighborhood spots near your coworking space. This helps them get to know the area better. The app also facilitates discovery by allowing members to post reviews of spots offering perks. Perks create stickiness while promoting local businesses - it's a win-win.

Help your staff get more done with Asana

Enabling your own team members  to collaborate effectively should be a top priority. With project management software like Asana, you can provide staff with a productive work hub for their teams and projects. 

Members can create projects, assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in Asana. The tool facilitates coordination and communication within and between teams. Because Asana is cloud-based, your staff can access it from anywhere to enable remote collaboration.

Asana also cuts down on excessive meetings by enabling members to align without constant check-ins. Everyone can post comments, create wikis, and set reminders to stay on the same page. By streamlining teamwork, Asana allows your team to make progress on work efficiently. 

Foster community with Slack

Slack is hugely popular with teams and companies, but the communication app also powers thriving coworking communities. With public and private channels, members can chat, share files, and have focused discussions. You can create channels for social chatter, space-related announcements, community events, and member projects looking for collaborators.

Slack keeps members engaged with your coworking community even when they aren't physically present in the space. In-app notifications keep the conversation lively so relationships flourish. Members can also send direct messages to connect one-on-one. 

Slack integrates with an array of apps, so members can use their favorite productivity tools in tandem. By centralizing communication, Slack facilitates better virtual and in-person collaboration. This sense of community keeps members committed to your space.

Coworking spaces thrive through meaningful connections that enable professionals to do their best work. With the right apps, you can foster networking, increase efficiency, provide elite service, and cultivate an engaged community. Consider integrating these best-in-class apps to make your coworking space one that members can't live without.

Encourage virtual coworking in your coworking space

At first glance, it may seem contradictory to suggest virtual coworking apps to members of an in-person coworking space. But these tools can actually expand and strengthen your community in powerful ways. 

While your physical space facilitates local collaboration, members will still have needs to connect with professionals outside your geography. Virtual coworking apps provide avenues to work alongside people in other cities, states, or even countries. This widens members' networks and unlocks new opportunities.

Different apps offer unique benefits:

If your member wants 1:1 video pairing and flexible scheduling across time zones? Focusmate, the original virtual coworking app, excels at this. 

Is the member on a budget? Have them check out Cofocus and Groove for affordable options.

Does your member want to work in a group with a dedicated facilitator, coach, or host? Tell them to try Caveday, Focus Club, or Flown for a hosted experience.

Do they prefer to work independently but be inspired by videos of others working? Flown Portholes and YouTube “Study With Me” videos provide motivation through asynchronous video.

Suggesting relevant virtual coworking apps gives your members the best of both worlds. They can collaborate face-to-face in your physical space and online with professionals across the globe. Embracing this hybrid approach will boost the value of your community and help members thrive.


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