Cat Johnson

Attracting office members to your coworking space

Every month, Cat Johnson assembles a packed virtual room of coworking operators and managers, and this recent one was no different. Folks joined Coworking Convos to hear about strategies and best practices for attracting office members — not just hot deskers and community members — to a coworking space.

As host, Cat opened the discussion emphasizing the importance of finding the right fit of office members for coworking spaces, because, as was noted, 'the vibe is created by the tribe.' She introduced the panelists and outlined the session’s focus on attracting community-engaged members for offices within the space.

Reuben Lau of Spacefully jumpstarted the discussion by highlighting the importance of understanding the perfect fit member through online reviews. This of course, underscored the value of testimonials in marketing and he suggested asking specific questions to elicit story-based, impactful reviews.

Katherine Chestnut of Alkaloid Networks shared her experience running an indie coworking space in a historic warehouse in Atlanta. She emphasized a no-pressure approach to attracting members and the importance of a vibrant community. Her own website and marketing materials were consistent in their emphasis on ‘friendly’ as her key differentiator. And she advised maintaining marketing efforts during both good and tough times and leveraging referrals.

Kyle Steele of CREDO Conduit shared a story about the accidental beginning of that coworking space, focusing on community and relationships. He stressed the importance of aligning every touchpoint of the organization with their mission. And he highlighted the invite-only membership model to ensure alignment with their community-focused values, and outlined how he curates a powerful community alongside the date-driven metrics of acquisition and retention.

Meagan Slavin of 25N Coworking discussed the significance of understanding the diverse needs of community members, and outlined the very specific avatars her own team uses to tailor marketing and community efforts. She emphasized the importance of a confident and empowered staff to foster a vibrant community and ensure member satisfaction.

Overall, the panelists and attendees focused on the importance of reviews, community-building, and aligning marketing efforts with the unique identity and values of the coworking space. Particular emphasis was on the need for personal connection, understanding member needs, and maintaining consistent marketing efforts to attract and retain the right members.

This and other episodes of Coworking Convos are stored in The Lab’s Teachable archive and available to members on demand, at any time!

Coworking Convos is a monthly virtual event series hosted by Cat Johnson, an d which recently passed its 50th episode! In each conversation, a different topic is presented by guests with real experience, who are subject matter experts and walk the walk in the coworking and flex space industry.

Coworks is a sponsor of Coworking Convos, and we have the privilege of sharing these dispatches afterward — spotlighting the juicy tidbits and powerful takeaways shared in the hour-long conversation. 

But by no means does this replace the real value of being there! Check out the next Convo and be in the room when it happens. 

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