Coworking Software

Why Coworks was named Best Software for New Coworking Spaces

“There has to be a better way.”

That’s often the sentiment that fuels innovation, and it was exactly the thought that Coworks Cofounder and CEO DeShawn Brown had. As a member of a Raleigh coworking community, he loved everything about it, other than the operational tool used to manage the space. He saw the community manager struggle to keep up with daily tasks of running the space: invoicing, room booking, giving tours, managing memberships, promoting events. She was using a hodgepodge of tools to do all these tasks.

So he built a better one.

Coworks was designed specifically for coworking space managers and operators who want to automate their every day operational tasks and focus on what matters most: building and nurturing their community.

In 2022, Coworking Insights awarded Coworks with the Best Software for New Coworking Business. That validation was a powerful recognition of the hard work that goes into making sure the Coworks software platform strikes the balance between ease of use and robust tools.

New coworking spaces need a solution that is right-sized for day 1 and day 100

clay-banks-N3SsG7xR-Dg-unsplashEven after upfit and leasing costs, a new coworking business is investing cash in furniture, coffee, marketing, internet, and so much more. So many owners choose to launch using free tools, duct-taped into something of an operational platform. Or they might invest in a software platform that includes functionalities they’ll never use and is challenging for managers to learn as they also do their day to day job.

You need a coworking software solution that can scale and grow as you grow and scale — in members, spaces, amenities, and reach. That’s where Coworks shines. 

Here’s what we mean: 

Coworks is a mobile-first coworking app experience

Mobile apps are no longer ‘nice to have.’ Phones are practically utilities. That’s where we connect, transact, navigate, organize, and learn. Coworking member software can no longer be anchored to a physical space, even a desktop computer.


The Coworks mobile member app lets people access everything they need to be part of your coworking space, including:

  • Booking a conference room
  • Finding out about events
  • Getting answers to frequently asked questions
  • Connecting with another member 
  • And more

You can also whitelabel the Coworks member app, so everyone has a seamless experience with your brand.

Grow your coworking business without adding cost

Coworking spaces are designed for members. Growing your membership base is how you grow and succeed. But often software solutions cost more as you add members. Not Coworks.

Coworks has flat pricing, and you only pay for added features, not added members. 

The Coworks Launch package is specially designed to help you open your doors and have full functionality for the first 3 months of your space, at an affordable price. 

But as your membership grows, and perhaps even the footprint as you add square footage or establish another location, Coworks can easily grow with you. Add the functions and features you need, when you need them. As your community evolves, the Coworks management platform evolves with you.

Coworks integrates with the tools you want to use

An all-in-one coworking management software solution can be appealing: in theory, it will include all the functions. But what if you have a preferred email marketing platform? What if you book events through Evite or Zoom? 

Coworks is fully integrated with Zapier. Zapier is a tool that helps automate repetitive tasks and the flow of information between two or more apps. A Zap is an automated workflow that connects two apps around a trigger: "When this trigger happens, do that action." 


You can create a Zap from any of the 5000+ integrations that Zapier is connected with. This is especially useful for:

  • When you have tasks you have to do multiple times, in the same way
  • When you have to send information from one app to another 
  • When you need to connect two apps without a direct integration

For example, you may want to create integrations for your coworking space in which you can automatically:

  • Add a new visitor or guest to a marketing campaign
  • Enroll a new community member into an onboarding workflow using gmail
  • Add a new member to your Mailchimp list
  • Create your own custom web forms to capture lead information into Coworks
  • Automatically provide access instructions when bookings are made.
  • Or thousands of other actions

Coworks works at your front desk and on your web site

Community managers are often on their feet, moving around the space, interacting with members, and staying very busy throughout their day. So why tie your manager to the front desk to check in members? At the same time, you don’t want to have members come and go without having a headcount or tracking high usage times. This information is critical to the health of your space and informs the reporting and analytics you need to understand it.

coworks front deck check in

Put Coworks software on a tablet at your entrance, and members can check themselves in and out, if they wish. 

Visitors can alert the person they’ve come to see. 

Prospects can request tours of the space and day passes.

You capture the contacts to add to your mailing list as leads

You can also install tablets at all your private rooms and offices, allowing members to see availability and book time on the spot.

Similarly, you can integrate Coworks into your web site. The customizable forms are created in the admin dashboard and then added to a page on your site, allowing site visitors to:

Request visits and tours of your space.

Purchase memberships.

Learn about events.

Schedule and pay for conference rooms or other spaces you make available to the public.

Onboard and train new community managers — with our help

While Coworks coworking management software is intuitive, we want to ensure all your community managers are successful with the software as they join your operation. So we'll train new managers as they come into the team.

Our robust knowledge base and active customer success team are always available to help with onboarding and setup, as well as support to ensure everyone has a great experience using the platform.

Coworks supports a variety of niche communities

Coworking today doesn’t look like coworking ten years ago. Today, it’s about cultivating a community that comes together for a specific culture of collaboration, networking, and resources. 

Those communities fall under the umbrella category of coworking, but can look like:

Makerspaces - These are communities that focus on crafting and offer a variety of tools for building anything from technology to pottery to 

Incubator Programs - This is where application-based cohorts follow a program for startups and new businesses.

Innovation Centers - These academic, university-based programs for undergrad and graduate students to develop skills around launching businesses

Childcare + Coworking - working parents everywhere struggle to find adequate and affordable childcare options. These blended solutions tick many boxes, offering safe and reliable daycare alongside a working environment.

Wellness - From onsite workout equipment to yoga classes and mindfulness training, wellness is a natural fit for remote workers who want to have a more holistic option for workspace.

Shared science lab and research space - These facilities offer technology and life sciences businesses access to critical research equipment that would otherwise be cost-prohibitive to most start-ups.

Community Focused - These offer spaces that are centered around women-identifying, BIPOC, cultural, or even shared hobbies and skills such as wine-tasting or home services.

Coworks is in active use in all of these communities right now, as a software platform that is flexible enough for customization and still robust for the space and resource management each type of operation requires.

Launch your new coworking space with Coworks management software


Our specially designed package for new coworking operations helps you manage your cash outlay in those first few months of opening your doors. We want to see more and more coworking and flex office businesses answer the call of today’s workforce and deliver on the future of work.

Let us show you how it works!

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